Python Datafeed Classes
Python classes to decrypt and parse an XML datafeed. Includes examples for Python 2 and Python 3.

Python + FoxyCart, Notes

Please note: The code on this page is submitted by members of the FoxyCart community, and may not verified by FoxyCart.com LLC in any way, shape, or form. Please double check the code before installing. If you need help with it please post in our forum, but if we cannot offer assistance (due to unfamiliarity with this particular system or language) we apologize in advance.

Django If you're integrating FoxyCart into your Django project please read a separate page about Django integration


These examples are a work in progress implementation of a datafeed parser in Python. This code is not intended to be used in a production environment, but is a useful starting point for your own integrations and for testing. There are examples for Python 2.7.9 and Python 3.


- Download the Python modules. - Use them for good, not evil. - Test


  • Make sure you're aware of quirks between different URL encoding and decoding options. This forum discussion has more info.

Python 2.7.9 Example Code


Example Django view for receiving and decrypting datafeed.
import urllib
from django.http import *
from utils.foxycart import FoxyData		# I put foxycart.py in a 'utils' module
import settings	# Store datafeed key in your settings.py
def foxyfeed(request):
  if request.POST and 'FoxyData' in request.POST:
      data = FoxyData.from_crypted_str(urllib.unquote_plus(request.POST['FoxyData']), settings.FOXYCART_DATAFEED_KEY)	# IMPORTANT: unquote_plus is necessary for the non-ASCII binary that FoxyCart sends.
      for transaction in data.transactions:
        pass	# Process each transaction here
      return HttpResponse('foxy')
    except Exception, e:
	  # Something went wrong, handle the error...
  return HttpResponseForbidden('Unauthorized request.')  # No FoxyData?  Not a POST?  We don't speak that.


Utilities for decrypting and parsing a FoxyCart datafeed.
from xml.dom.minidom import parseString
from datetime import datetime
# Thanks, Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RC4#Implementation
class ARC4:
    def __init__(self, key = None):
        self.state = range(256) # Initialize state array with values 0 .. 255
        self.x = self.y = 0 # Our indexes. x, y instead of i, j
        if key is not None:
    # KSA
    def init(self, key):
        for i in range(256):
            self.x = (ord(key[i % len(key)]) + self.state[i] + self.x) & 0xFF
            self.state[i], self.state[self.x] = self.state[self.x], self.state[i]
        self.x = 0
    # PRGA
    def crypt(self, input):
        output = [None]*len(input)
        for i in xrange(len(input)):
            self.x = (self.x + 1) & 0xFF
            self.y = (self.state[self.x] + self.y) & 0xFF
            self.state[self.x], self.state[self.y] = self.state[self.y], self.state[self.x]
            r = self.state[(self.state[self.x] + self.state[self.y]) & 0xFF]
            output[i] = chr(ord(input[i]) ^ r)
        return ''.join(output)
class FoxyData:
  DateFmt = '%Y-%m-%d'
  DateTimeFmt = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
  class Transaction:
    def __init__(self, node):
      def extract_kv_node(node, key_name):
        el = node.getElementsByTagName(key_name)
        return len(el) > 0 and el[0].firstChild.data or ''
      self.id = extract_kv_node(node, 'id')
      self.date = datetime.strptime(
       extract_kv_node(node, 'transaction_date'), FoxyData.DateTimeFmt)
      self.customer_id = extract_kv_node(node, 'customer_id')
      self.attributes = attrs = {}
      self.items = items = attrs['items'] = []
      self.custom_fields = attrs['custom_fields'] = {}
      for custom_field in node.getElementsByTagName('custom_field'):
        self.custom_fields[extract_kv_node(custom_field, 'custom_field_name')] = \
         extract_kv_node(custom_field, 'custom_field_value')
      self.transaction_details = attrs['detail'] = []
      for details in node.getElementsByTagName('transaction_detail'):
        item = {'product_code': extract_kv_node(details, 'product_code')}
        for key in ['subscription_startdate', 'next_transaction_date']:
          date_str = extract_kv_node(details, key)
            item[key] = datetime.strptime(date_str, FoxyData.DateFmt)
          except ValueError:
            item[key] = date_str
        detail = item['detail'] = {}
        for detail_opt in details.getElementsByTagName('transaction_detail_option'):
          detail[extract_kv_node(detail_opt, 'product_option_name')] = \
           extract_kv_node(detail_opt, 'product_option_value')
  def __init__(self, markup):
    self.markup = markup
    self.doc = parseString(self.markup)
    self.transactions = []
    for transaction in self.doc.getElementsByTagName('transaction'):
  def __str__(self):
    return str(self.markup)
  def from_str(self, data_str):
    return FoxyData(data_str)
  Given a string containing RC4-crypted FoxyCart datafeed XML and the
  cryptographic key, decrypt the contents and create a FoxyData object
  containing all of the Transactions in the data feed.
  def from_crypted_str(self, data_str, crypt_key):
    a = ARC4(crypt_key)
    return FoxyData.from_str(a.crypt(data_str))
  def __len__(self):
    return len(self.transactions)


Unit test for foxycart.py.
import unittest
from foxycart import *
class Constants:
class FoxyDataVectorTest(unittest.TestCase):
  def _test_it_hard(self, vector):
    self.assertEqual(1, len(vector), 'expected one transaction')
    tx = vector.transactions[0]
    self.assertEqual('616', tx.id)
    self.assertEqual("2007-05-04 20:53:57", tx.date.strftime(FoxyData.DateTimeFmt))
    self.assertEqual('122', tx.customer_id)
    self.assertEqual(1, len(tx.items), 'expected one item')
    self.assertEqual(2, len(tx.custom_fields), 'expected 2 custom fields')
    self.assert_('My_Cool_Text' in tx.custom_fields.keys(), 'missing custom field')
    self.assertEqual('Value123', tx.custom_fields['My_Cool_Text'], 'missing custom field value')
    self.assert_('Another_Custom_Field' in tx.custom_fields.keys(), 'missing custom field')
    self.assertEqual('10', tx.custom_fields['Another_Custom_Field'], 'missing custom field value')
    item = tx.items.pop()
    self.assertEqual('abc123', item['product_code'])
    detail = item['detail']
    self.assertEqual(1, len(detail))
    self.assertEqual('blue', detail['color'])
  def test_from_str(self):
    vector = FoxyData.from_str(Constants.subscription_xml)
  def test_from_crypted_str(self):
    crypted_str = ARC4(Constants.SECRET_KEY).crypt(Constants.subscription_xml)
    vector = FoxyData.from_crypted_str(crypted_str, Constants.SECRET_KEY)
Constants.SECRET_KEY = 'abc123akp8ak7898a,.aoeueaouaoeuaoeu'
Constants.subscription_xml = """<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?>
  <datafeed_version>XML FoxyCart Version 0.7</datafeed_version>
      <transaction_date>2007-05-04 20:53:57</transaction_date>
      <customer_address1>12345 Any Street</customer_address1>
      <customer_city>Any City</customer_city>
      <customer_phone>(123) 456-7890</customer_phone>
      <shipping_address1>1234 Any Street</shipping_address1>
      <shipping_city>Some City</shipping_city>
      <shipping_service_description>UPS: Ground</shipping_service_description>
          <shipto>John Doe</shipto>
          <category_description>Default for all products</category_description>
          <address_name>John Doe</address_name>
          <shipto_address1>2345 Some Address</shipto_address1>
          <shipto_city>Some City</shipto_city>
          <shipto_shipping_service_description>DHL: Next Afternoon</shipto_shipping_service_description>
              <shipto_custom_field_value>john's stuff</shipto_custom_field_value>
              <shipto_custom_field_value>more of john's stuff</shipto_custom_field_value>
if __name__ == '__main__':


XML Being Truncated

The following comes from a user, 2013-10-09:

I was able to figure out the issue and it wasn't an issue with foxy cart. It appears as though it was an issue with python where it would truncate a string that was too big when setting it to a variable.

Ill go into a bit more detail incase you find other people are having the same issue:

What I was doing was to basically add each section to a variable and log it:

post_data = request.POST['FoxyData']
unquoted = urllib.unquote_plus(post_data)
# At this point, 'unquoted' is truncated because the response is too big
data = FoxyData.from_crypted_str(unquoted, settings.FOXYCART_DATAFEED_KEY)

What ultimately worked was to put it all together like in the example: data = FoxyData.from_crypted_str(urllib.unquote_plus(request.POST['FoxyData']), settings.FOXYCART_DATAFEED_KEY)

Python 3 Example Code

Example Django view for receiving and decrypting datafeed.
## My View, I have a session variable I submit to foxy cart, that's my booking_id.
def FoxyCartIPNView(request):
    if request.POST and 'FoxyData' in request.POST:
            # IMPORTANT: unquote_plus is necessary for the non-ASCII binary that
            # FoxyCart sends.
            # MKR als important to set the encoding when using python3!
            data = FoxyData.from_crypted_str((unquote_plus(request.POST['FoxyData'], encoding='latin-1')),
            for transaction in data.transactions:
                # get the booking id, and verify it so BMCM can see it in admin
                # also save foxy's xml for archive purposes, finally, we mail the customer.
                booking = transaction.booking_id  # a custom field from foxycart
                booking = RetreatBooking.objects.get(pk=booking)
                booking.verified_transaction = True
                booking.foxycart_xml = data.markup
                mail_customer(request, booking, transaction)
                print("transaction: {}, mail customer {}\n".format(transaction.id, transaction.customer_email) )
            return HttpResponse('foxy')
            # Something went wrong, handle the error... right? :P
    return HttpResponseForbidden('Unauthorized request.')  # No FoxyData?  Not a POST?  We don't speak that.
## my utils for the view - Python 3 compatible!
class ARC4:
    def __init__(self, key = None):
        self.state = list(range(256)) # Initialize state array with values 0 .. 255
        self.x = self.y = 0 # Our indexes. x, y instead of i, j
        if key is not None:
    # KSA
    def init(self, key):
        for i in list(range(256)):
            self.x = (ord(key[i % len(key)]) + self.state[i] + self.x) & 0xFF
            self.state[i], self.state[self.x] = self.state[self.x], self.state[i]
        self.x = 0
    # PRGA
    def crypt(self, input):
        output = [None]*len(input)
        for i in range(len(input)):
            self.x = (self.x + 1) & 0xFF
            self.y = (self.state[self.x] + self.y) & 0xFF
            self.state[self.x], self.state[self.y] = self.state[self.y], self.state[self.x]
            r = self.state[(self.state[self.x] + self.state[self.y]) & 0xFF]
            output[i] = chr(ord(input[i]) ^ r)
        return ''.join(output)
    def from_crypted_str(self, data_str, crypt_key):
        a = ARC4(crypt_key)
        return FoxyData.from_str(a.crypt(data_str))
class FoxyData:
    DateFmt = '%Y-%m-%d'
    DateTimeFmt = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
    class Transaction:
        def __init__(self, node):
            def extract_kv_node(node, key_name):
                # print('getting node {}\n{}'.format(key_name, node))
                el = node.getElementsByTagName(key_name)
                return len(el) > 0 and el[0].firstChild.data or ''
            self.id = extract_kv_node(node, 'id')
            self.date = datetime.strptime(
                extract_kv_node(node, 'transaction_date'), FoxyData.DateTimeFmt)
            self.customer_id = extract_kv_node(node, 'customer_id')
            self.customer_email = extract_kv_node(node, 'customer_email')
            self.attributes = attrs = {}
            self.items = items = attrs['items'] = []
            self.custom_fields = attrs['custom_fields'] = {}
            for custom_field in node.getElementsByTagName('custom_field'):
                self.custom_fields[extract_kv_node(custom_field, 'custom_field_name')] = \
                    extract_kv_node(custom_field, 'custom_field_value')
            # import pdb;pdb.set_trace()
            self.booking_id = self.custom_fields.get('booking_id')
            self.transaction_details = attrs['detail'] = []
    def __init__(self, markup):
        self.markup = markup
        self.doc = parseString(self.markup)
        self.transactions = []
        for transaction in self.doc.getElementsByTagName('transaction'):
    def __str__(self):
        return str(self.markup)
    def from_str(self, data_str):
        return FoxyData(data_str)
    Given a string containing RC4-crypted FoxyCart datafeed XML and the
    cryptographic key, decrypt the contents and create a FoxyData object
    containing all of the Transactions in the data feed.
    def from_crypted_str(self, data_str, crypt_key):
        a = ARC4(crypt_key)
        return FoxyData.from_str(a.crypt(data_str))
    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.transactions)

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