---- dataentry gateway ---- type : gateway # do not change this line name : CardPointe by Fiserv countries : US, CA support-added : 2.0.0 support-removed : auth-net-emulation : no # enter "yes" or "no" (without quotes) supports-3dsecure : no # enter "yes" or "no" (without quotes) gateway_url : https://support.cardpointe.com/cardpointe/ ---- ====== CardPointe by Fiserv ====== ===== Setting Up CardPointe for FoxyCart ===== Contact CardPointe to create your CardPointe account, and receive your Merchant ID, and API username and password. Once received, activate CardPointe in the Foxy administration for your store, and enter the provided details into the matching inputs in the administration. If you need to manually create credentials for your CardPointe account for any reason, they [[https://support.cardpointe.com/cardpointe/gateway-api-credential-generator/|have some instructions available here]]. ===== Testing ===== ==== Obtaining a Test Account ==== Contact CardPointe for info. Know more? Feel free to edit this page with info. ==== Test Card Numbers ==== Normal test card numbers like ''4242 4242 4242 4242'' and ''5454 5454 5454 5454'' can be used to test successful transactions with a test CardPointe account. CardPointe provide information about their testing scenarios, including test card numbers and postcodes for specific error responses. They also support specific responses based on the order total, which are triggered for whole number order totals greater than $1000. You can see full details [[https://developer.fiserv.com/product/CardPointe/docs/?path=docs/documentation/CardPointeGatewayDeveloperGuides.md&branch=main#uat-test-card-data|on that on their documentation here]]. ===== Troubleshooting & Interpreting Response Codes ===== The [[https://developer.fiserv.com/product/CardPointe/docs/?path=docs/documentation/GatewayResponseCodes.md&branch=main|CardPointe documentation provides an overview of different response codes]] that can be returned for requests. For any error responses that are not covered there, the CardPointe support team would be able to clarify them further. ===== Important Notes and Caveats ===== ===== User Notes and Experiences ===== If you have tips, experience, or helpful notes related to this gateway that would benefit others, please add them below, including your name and the date. We reserve the right to edit or remove comments that don't add value to this page.