---- dataentry snippet ----
type : snippet #do not change this line
category : shipping #mention the category like 'shipping', 'checkout' etc
name : Restricting Countries and States on the Checkout
description : #description about snippet
versions_tags : 1.0, 1.1 #compatible versions
tags_tags : snippets, shipping, advance #tags, separated by commas.
date_dt : 2012-09-05 #the date in YYYY-MM-DD format
The functionality detailed on this page is for FoxyCart versions 1.0 and newer. If you're using 0.7.2 or older, please see [[restricting_countries_and_states_on_the_checkout_old|this page]].
**Using version 2.0?** There is native functionality that covers this snippet within the configuration section of the administration. There is also a new snippet available for our latest version, [[v:2.0:snippets:locations_modfication|available from here]].
====== Restricting Countries and States on the Checkout ======
The following functionality adds some helper functions to your checkout to allow you to more easily restrict the countries and states that can be used by your customers to check out.
The functionality described on this page require advanced javascript knowledge, and are not officially supported. They are included in our official wiki because certain shipping methods and functionality are not natively supported, and though we are working on radically improving our shipping functionality, in the meantime these methods may be great workarounds. Use with caution, test, and post in [[http://forum.foxycart.com/|our forum]] if you run into problems.
See the [[#changelog|changelog]] for details on updates to this script.
==== Step 1: Add Javascript ====
Add the following right before the closing '''' tag in your checkout template:
==== Step 2: Add Custom Location Rules ====
Now the fun part, based on whatever criteria you want, add in the different country/state restrictions you require for your checkout. Add your custom code between the ''/* BEGIN CUSTOM LOCATION LOGIC */'' and ''/* END CUSTOM LOCATION LOGIC */'' lines in the first script block. There are six functions available to you.
=== FC.locations.removeCountries() ===
Removes the specified countries from the specified locations arrays
* ''countries'' //(String or Array)// - Either a string or an array of strings of the 2 character ISO country codes
* ''locationArrayNames'' //(String or Array)// - //Optional// - Either a string of either '' 'customer' '', '' 'shipping' '' or '' 'both' '', or an array of both like ''['customer', 'shipping']''. If not specified, '' 'both' '' is the automatic default.
* ''FC.locations.removeCountries('US');'' - Removes the United States from both the billing and the shipping country location fields
* ''FC.locations.removeCountries(['CA', 'GB'], 'shipping');'' - Removes Canada and the United Kingdom from the shipping location fields
=== FC.locations.limitCountriesTo() ===
Restricts the specified locations arrays to just the countries specified
* ''countries'' //(String or Array)// - Either a string or an array of strings of the 2 character ISO country codes
* ''locationArrayNames'' //(String or Array)// - //Optional// - Either a string of either '' 'customer' '', '' 'shipping' '' or '' 'both' '', or an array of both like ''['customer', 'shipping']''. If not specified, '' 'both' '' is the automatic default.
* ''FC.locations.limitCountriesTo('AU');'' - Allows only Australia to be selected in the billing and shipping country location fields
* ''FC.locations.limitCountriesTo(['US', 'CA'], 'shipping');'' - Allows only the United States and Canada to be selected for the shipping country
=== FC.locations.removeStates() ===
Removes the specified states from the specified locations arrays for the specified country
* ''country'' //(String)// - A string of the 2 character ISO country codes
* ''states'' //(String or Array)// - Either a string or an array of strings of the ISO state codes
* ''locationArrayNames'' //(String or Array)// - //Optional// - Either a string of either '' 'customer' '', '' 'shipping' '' or '' 'both' '', or an array of both like ''['customer', 'shipping']''. If not specified, '' 'both' '' is the automatic default.
* ''FC.locations.removeStates('US', 'AK');'' - Prevents Alaska from being selected as a state when the United States is selected
* ''FC.locations.removeStates('US', ['AK', 'HI'], 'shipping');'' - Prevents Alaska and Hawaii from being selected as a state for shipping when the United States is selected as the shipping country
=== FC.locations.limitStatesTo() ===
Restricts the states for the specified country to only those specified
* ''country'' //(String)// - A string of the 2 character ISO country codes
* ''states'' //(String or Array)// - Either a string or an array of strings of the ISO state codes
* ''locationArrayNames'' //(String or Array)// - //Optional// - Either a string of either '' 'customer' '', '' 'shipping' '' or '' 'both' '', or an array of both like ''['customer', 'shipping']''. If not specified, '' 'both' '' is the automatic default.
* ''FC.locations.limitStatesTo('US', 'CA');'' - Allows only California to be selected as a state when the United States is selected
* ''FC.locations.limitStatesTo('AU', ['SA', 'VIC', 'QLD'], 'shipping');'' - Allows only South Australia, Victoria and Queensland from being selected for shipping when Australia is selected as the shipping country.
=== FC.locations.updateFoxyComplete() ===
Updates the location fields with the new changes
* ''blockErrors'' //(Boolean)// - Specify whether or not errors should be suppressed when validating the locations, to prevent 'empty field' errors.
* ''FC.locations.updateFoxyComplete(true);''
**Notes:** This should only be called once all of the required restrictions have been completed. This function has also been included by default in the included logic after the closing ''/* END CUSTOM LOCATION LOGIC */'' comment, so unless you're doing something custom, you shouldn't have to worry about this function.
==== Examples ====
=== Example 1 ===
- Restricting the checkout to only allow shipping to the United States, but allow billing to be from any country
FC.locations.limitCountriesTo('US', 'shipping');
=== Example 2 ===
- Only allow customers from the US and Canada, and not from Alaska or Hawaii.
FC.locations.limitCountriesTo(['US', 'CA']);
FC.locations.removeStates('US', ['AK', 'HI']);
=== Example 3 ===
- Remove all non-standard US States
FC.locations.removeStates('US', ['AF','AA','AC','AE','AM','AP','AS','PR','VI','GU','FM','MH','MP'], 'both');
=== Example 4 ===
- Remove countries that are currently under sanction restrictions from the US Office of Foreign Assets Control (Note that this list may not be up to date)
==== What about making it read-only? ====
As part of the new autocomplete functionality in 1.0, any location object that only has one option will automatically become read-only with that location selected by default. If you want to set a field read only, utilise the ''limitCountriesTo()'' or ''limitStatesTo()'' functions with only a single location specified.
===== Changelog =====
* 2012/05/09 - v1.0 - Initial version
* 2013/03/19 - v1.1 - Changed ''updateFoxyComplete()'' to prevent ''validateLocationName()'' from calling ''updateShipping()'', to prevent the repetition of shipping results displayed