====== Shadowbox + FoxyCart ====== [[http://mjijackson.com/shadowbox/|Shadowbox]] is pretty slick, and can be used instead of the default Thickbox based FoxyBox quite easily. **PLEASE DON'T USE THIS** unless you have a decent handle on javascript and are willing to try something that's currently unsupported and feature incomplete. **It DOES NOT WORK WITH FORMS**, only links at this point. ===== Setting Up Shadowbox ===== **NOTE:** Below describes how to apply Shadowbox for **LINKS but not forms**. - First, make sure you remove any ''foxybox.css'' or ''theme.foxybox.css'' files you might have called in your '''' section. - Download Shadowbox: http://mjijackson.com/shadowbox/. Stick it somewhere on your server that makes sense, like ''/assets/js/shadowbox/'' - Add the necessary Shadowbox file calls to your '''' section, probably something like this: - Next let's add a script tag to the '''' section, below your ''foxycart_includes.js'' call. Make sure you read the comments so you know what's going on: - If you're in the habit of assigning astronomical ''z-index'' values, you may want to throw in an override after that: - Test. If the loading image isn't showing up, you'll need to open ''shadowbox.js'' and edit line 3 where it asks for the loading image:options={assetURL:"",loadingImage:"http://www.YOURDOMAIN.com/images/loading.gif",