====== Upgrading to v0.2.9 ====== //**Note:** This page is geared towards upgrading from v0.2.8. Please make sure you view all the version notes for versions you may be skipping (ie. from 0.2.5 -> 0.2.9).// Please make sure you review the [[http://www.foxycart.com/0.2.9.html|0.2.9 changelog]] before upgrading. ==== Possible Action Required ==== //If// you're using the jQuery that loads in ''foxycart_includes.js'' or on the ''cart'', ''checkout'', or ''receipt'' pages, you may need to take some action. If you're not, you should be fine. How can you tell? If you're using ''$j()'' code anywhere, you're probably using the jQuery that's built into the FoxyCart pages and include files. So, if you are using the jQuery in the FoxyCart pages/files: We've upgraded to [[http://www.jquery.com|jQuery]] 1.2.1, which fixes many of the bugs that we've had up to this point. This newest version of jQuery also removes some of the functionality that was in previous versions. You're going to want to review the [[http://docs.jquery.com/Release:jQuery_1.2|jQuery 1.2 notes page]] so you can modify your code as necessary.