====== Internationalization & Translations ====== ===== The USA Is Not The Center Of The World ===== {{ :v:0.7.0:felicity-california-center-of-the-world.11631.large_slideshow.jpeg?200|The sundial at Felicity, California, USA}} At FoxyCart, we know that the USA isn't the center of the world ((Though according to the French Government, Felicity, California, USA //is// actually the [[http://atlasobscura.com/place/felicity-california-center-of-the-world|center of]] [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Felicity,_California|the world]].)) And though we're a US-based company, our goal is to serve all web professionals, regardless of their country. That said, and even though we do have a very diverse international team, the only way we'll ever learn enough about your specific needs is for you to teach us. Please review what is and isn't supported below, and get in touch with us or [[http://requests.foxycart.com/|request a new feature]] so we can make FoxyCart support your locale. ===== What Is Customizable ===== * Currency symbol (in the admin's "language" page) * All customer-facing language (in the admin's "language" page) ===== What Isn't Customizable ===== * The [[https://admin.foxycart.com/|FoxyCart Admin]] * Country and state/province names in the checkout's autocompleter ===== Things to Watch Out For ===== While FoxyCart offers many options to customize the language and locale of your store, there are a few things that you'll want to dig into before you make an assumption that FoxyCart will fully meet your needs. Generally, these include: * **Payment Gateway.** While FoxyCart can work with PayPal Express Checkout in almost every country in the world, you may want a "real" gateway. Please see what [[:gateways:#supported_gateways_other_payment_methods|gateways are supported for your country]], or [[http://requests.foxycart.com/pages/payment_gateways|request a new gateway]]. * **Shipping Carriers.** FedEx will likely work in your country of choice, but please [[http://requests.foxycart.com/pages/shipping_carriers|request your shipping carrier of choice]] and we will look at adding support in a future version. * **Taxes.** Though FoxyCart's [[.:taxes|tax functionality]] is very flexible, certain tax requirements may be difficult at present. Ask on [[http://forum.foxycart.com|our forum]] or [[mailto:helpdesk@foxycart.com|email]] if you have any questions, but we do encourage you to create free test store to see if you can make things work for your requirements. ===== Want a New Language Supported? ===== Please [[mailto:helpdesk@foxycart.com|let us know]]. We can provide you with the language includes file for you to work from, which is easier than using the web interface, and will allow you to reuse your language customizations in future stores.