The existing PayGate integration does not include support for Foxy subscription functionality due to specific requirements for transactions without CSC/CVV information. We are working on an updated integration that will include subscription support. Get in touch with us if you'd like to be notified when that is launched.
When signing up with PayGate - if given the option, select the “PayXML” account type.
To integrate your PayGate account with your Foxy store, enter the ID and password you got from PayGate for your PayXML account into the appropriate fields in the FoxyCart admin on the “payments” page.
To get the password, you can follow these steps:
PayGate provides developers with two test accounts: 10011064270
for normal transactions and 10011072130
for 3D Secure transactions (ensure you enable 3D Secure in the payment settings if using this account). The password for both is test
With the default test account you can use the following test card numbers:
All other card numbers
Expiry Date must be in the future; Card Holder & CVV can be made up.
Contact PayGate for info. Know more? Feel free to edit this page with info.
This error can occur if your PayGate account is not enabled for PayXML.
If you have tips, experience, or helpful notes related to this gateway that would benefit others, please add them below, including your name and the date. We reserve the right to edit or remove comments that don't add value to this page.