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FoxyCart Cheat Sheet: Product and Cart Parameters

Product Parameters

Important Notes:

Standard Product Options

Description: The name of the product that will be displayed in the cart.
Accepts: Any characters. Limited to 255 characters in length.
Example: &name=My+Example+Product
Notes: Required.
Description: The cost of the product.
Accepts: Number (integer or decimal).
Example: &price=9.99
Notes: Required.
Multi-currency: Optionally accepts a 3-character ISO currency code appended to the numeric portion. More details here.
Description: An image for the product, displayed in the cart.
Accepts: A full URI to an image, starting with http: or https:, or a relative path to the image from the store's domain (as configured in the store settings). Limited to 500 characters in length.
Examples: &image=, &image=local/path/to/image.png, <input type=“hidden” name=“image” value=“”>
Notes: Images will not be resized, but they will automatically be securely cached, so you don't need to worry about security warnings. Note also that Foxy's cache is short-term (hours to days), so if you're passing dynamically-generated images, you'll need to keep those images available on your end for Foxy to re-retrieve as necessary.
Description: A URL for the product, displayed in the cart.
Accepts: A full URL to the product page, starting with http: or https:, or a relative path to the produt from the store's domain (as configured in the store settings). Limited to 200 characters in length.
Example: &url=, &url=local/path/to/product
Notes: The URL will only be applied if the image parameter is also present, and will be wrapped around the image in the cart.
Description: Item code. Can be used however you’d like (internal use, product SKU, etc.).
Accepts: Any characters. Limited to 200 characters in length.
Example: &code=ISBN 978-0-12-345678-9
Notes: Required if using Link and Form Validation. Not required otherwise.
Description: Parent item code. Used if this should be a child product in a bundle.
Accepts: Any characters. Limited to 200 characters in length.
Example: &parent_code=bundle7734
Notes: There are some special requirements for this field if using Link and Form Validation. If you set quantity_min=1, the child product will be locked to the parent product and won't be able to be deleted by itself or have it's quantity changed independently.
Description: Quantity of products. If left blank, it will default to 1.
Default: 1
Accepts: Integer. Decimals are not supported.
Example: &quantity=3
Notes: In forms it often makes sense to make the quantity input be an input[type=text] or select element to allow the customer to enter or choose their desired quantity.
Description: Maximum quantity that should be allowed per product, per cart.
Accepts: Integer.
Notes: This attribute, like all others, relies on the products in the cart being identical. If another product is entered with any variation, it is considered a new product. ie. quantity_max cannot apply to groupings of multiple products. Also, this value does not control inventory. The values are per cart/transaction/session.
Description: Minimum quantity that should be allowed per product, per cart.
Accepts: Integer.
Notes: This attribute, like all others, relies on the products in the cart being identical. If another product is entered with any variation, it is considered a new product. ie. quantity_min cannot apply to groupings of multiple products. Also, this value does not control inventory. The values are per cart/transaction/session.
Description: Category identifier for the product.
Default: This will default to the default category if left blank.
Accepts: Any valid category code, as configured in the store's admin. Will error on an invalid code.
Description: Allows you to sell products which are only available for purchase before a certain date or for a limited time. You can pass in a number of minutes or a timestamp in the future at which point the product will be removed from the cart. An informational message will be displayed when the order contains a product which will expire within 15 minutes.
Accepts: number, either in minutes or a timestamp based on FoxyCart server time (currently PST)
Example: &expires=15 (expires in 15 minutes) or &expires=1593583199 (expires a second before midnight, June 30th 2020).
Notes: This parameter can be used when setting up subscriptions, but is stripped from products when they are part of a subscription. In other words, once a product with an expires value is successfully paid for as part of a subscription, it will persist on that subscription indefinitely. You can find many tools online for creating timestamps which may be helpful here. If the checkout is submitted with an expired product, the customer will be shown an error and told that an expired product has been removed from the cart. After adding, an expires parameter is set against the product details in the cart JSON object representing the time that it will expire as an epoch timestamp (in seconds). Currently, using an expires value representing time in minutes will cause the same product to be treated as a unique in the cart. Specifying as a timestamp will keep them unified.
Description: Product's per-product weight, used for shipping rate requests.
Default: If left blank, it will inherit this value from the product’s category. If no category selected, will default to the default category's specified weight. The default units for weight is lbs. This can be changes to kgs. in the category.
Notes: Supports up to a maximum of three decimal places.
length, width, height
Description: Reserved for future use. If you use them, the data will be stored in the cart JSON, but it will not display on the page.
Description: Allows you to specify specific ship-to address labels for each cart add.
Default: “me” (meaning, it defaults to the billing contact, and not a separate recipient).
Accepts: Any string. Products will be grouped by shipto value on checkout and in the cart display (if multi-ship is enabled).
Notes: Requires multiship to be enabled for the store.
Description: A unique ID per product in the cart, used to make “update” requests to existing products in the cart (as in a JSONP request).
Accepts: Any valid id for a product already in the cart.
Notes: This value is set by FoxyCart, and may be different in different situations. You cannot rely on any product in the cart having the same id from one session to another.
1:, 2:, 3:, 4:, etc…
Description: Prefixing any product option with an integer will group that option with other similarly numbered options, allowing you to add multiple distinct products to the cart in one request.
Default: If no grouping prefix is added, the option will be assumed to be a 1:.
Accepts: Integers from 1-999.
Notes: All product options must be prefixed in order for grouping to happen, and all required options are still required per product.
<form action="" class="foxycart" method="post">
	<input type="hidden" name="name" value="Fancy Smartphone" />
	<input type="hidden" name="price" value="199.99" />
	<input type="hidden" name="2:name" value="Leather Case for Smartphone" />
	<input type="hidden" name="2:price" value="9.99" />
	<input type="submit" value="Buy a Smartphone and a Leather Case!" />
CUSTOM Product Options
Description: You may add any additional attributes to any product you’d like. For example, you can add &color=green&size=XXL. If an attribute is passed in with a name not otherwise reserved, it will be added as a product option.
Accepts: Any characters. Custom name attribute limited to 100 characters and the value is limited to 1024 characters.
Notes: A single product can have a maximum of 100 custom product options

Special Product Options

These options are specified at the product level, but serve a special purpose, separate to the cart itself, such as for analytics

Description: Google Analytics product level attributes. If set, will be utilised in any Google Analytics calls made through our native integration that includes item details.
Supported Option Names: _ga_item_id, _ga_item_name, _ga_affiliation, _ga_item_brand, _ga_item_category, _ga_item_category2, _ga_item_category3, _ga_item_category4, _ga_item_category5, _ga_item_list_id, _ga_item_list_name, _ga_item_variant, _ga_location_id
Accepts: See the GA documentation for reference for what the values should be. Limited to 255 characters in length.
Example: &_ga_item_category2=Clothing
Notes: These attributes are hidden from the cart automatically, so customers will not see them visually on the cart, checkout or receipt, or in the administration.

Product Discounting Options

Please see Coupons and Discounts for a complete discussion of how discounts are applied. The following is for reference only.

Discount Methods

Accepts: A valid discount string.
Notes: Discounts by an amount, based on the quantity of to-be-discounted products. Abbreviated $/qty.
Accepts: A valid discount string.
Notes: Discounts by a percentage, based on the quantity of to-be-discounted products. Abbreviated %/qty. Note that the value is based on the average of all applicable products, so applying this discount to differently priced items will result in an averaged discount.
Accepts: A valid discount string.
Notes: Discounts by an amount, based on the price of to-be-discounted products. Abbreviated $/$.
Accepts: A valid discount string.
Notes: Discounts by a percentage, based on the price of to-be-discounted products. Abbreviated %/$. Note that the value is based on the average of all applicable products, so applying this discount to differently priced items will result in an averaged discount.

Discount Types

Also Called: All-Units Quantity Discounts
Description: Discounts the price of all of the products affected by the discount. Also referred to as “volume discounts” or “bulk order discounts.”
Notes: allunits is the default discount type for quantity discounts applied to products. If a discount type isn't specified, allunits is applied. Note that “single” is the default type for coupons.
  • Scenario: Buy two products, take $2 off of both.
    • Method: discount_quantity_amount
    • Logic: allunits|2-2

  • Scenario: Orders of five or more get a 10% on every item ordered. Orders of 10 or more get a 20% discount on every item ordered.
    • Method: discount_quantity_percentage
    • Logic: allunits|5-10|10-20
Also Called: Incremental Quantity Discounts
Description: Discounts only the units above the tiers you set.
Notes: Most useful for individual products or many products with the same price. Not useful for $/$ discount methods.
  • Scenario: Buy two products, get additional products at $5 off. (The first two are not discounted.)
    • Method: discount_quantity_amount
    • Logic: incremental|3-5

  • Scenario: With a quantity of 1-10, all products are at 100% (no discount). With a quantity of 150, 10 products would be at 100%, 40 would be at 90%, 50 would be at 85%, and 50 would be at 80%.
    • Method: discount_quantity_percentage
    • Logic: incremental|11-10|51-15|101-20
Also Called: Buy One, Get One (BOGO), or “Repeatable Incremental Quantity Discounts”
Description: Repeatable discounts are somewhat similar to incremental discounts, but only have a single tier that repeats. Using this method you can achieve “buy one get one free” types of discounts that repeat (buy 1 get 1, or buy 3 get 3). You can also do something like “buy 3 get the 4th at $5 off”, so buying 5 or 6 would only get a single $5 discount, but buying 8 would get a $10 discount.
Notes: Not useful for $/$ discount methods. Only accepts one tier.
  • Scenario: Buy one, get one free (100% off).
    • Method: discount_quantity_percentage
    • Logic: repeat|2-100

  • Scenario: Buy 3, get the 4th at 50% off.
    • Method: discount_quantity_percentage
    • Logic: repeat|4-50
Also Called: Single Discount, One-Off Discount; or Coupon mode
Description: Unlike the other discount types, the single discount type applies one single discount and not a quantity discount across all products.
Notes: single is the default discount type for coupons, as it makes the most sense in that context. For %/qty and %/$ a single discount type will yield the same discount as allunits. Note that “allunits” is the default discount type for product and category discounts.
  • Scenario: Buy any 5 products, get $10 off your order.
    • Method: discount_quantity_amount
    • Logic: single|5-10

Discount Syntax

Example Discount Syntax
  • discount_method: One of the Discount Methods above.
  • Discount_Name: The text label applied to the discount and displayed to the customer in the cart. For example, “Summer Special” or “Local Coupon Discount”. A discount name is required for discounts to apply properly on cart pageloads.
  • discount_type: A Discount Type from above. Optional. Will default to single if a coupon, or allunits otherwise.
  • X, Y, Z: “Discount Tiers”. The threshold at which the Discount Amount will apply.
  • A, B, C: “Discount Amounts”. The amount or percentage discount to apply.

Subscription Product Options

Description: The frequency of billing (every month, every 3 months, every year, etc.).
Default: None. If this value is empty, the product will not be considered to be a subscription by FoxyCart.
Accepts: An integer (maximum of 3 digits) followed by a single character denoting the unit of time. For example,
  • 60d = every 60 days.
  • 2w = every two weeks. For date calculations, 1w = 7d.
  • 1m = every month. When you use the m unit, FoxyCart will assign billing to the current (or assigned) day of the month, to be repeated every x months. The date will be moved up when necessary; if set to the 31st, it will process on the 30th of months with 30 days (or 28th/29th of February).
  • 1y = every year.
  • .5m = twice a month. IMPORTANT: The .5 value only works with m (months). This value will setup bi-monthly subscriptions, once on the start date, and again 15 days later. Example: if you set it to start on the 3rd, it will run on the 3rd and the 18th of each month.
Notes: A sub_frequency is required for a product to be treated as a subscription by FoxyCart.
Description: Subscription start date. Useful if you'd like to offer a free trial period, or to force subscriptions to process on specific dates (the 1st, 15th, 18th, etc.).
Default: If this value is left empty, the subscription will start on the date of the transaction.
Accepts: You can pass through a full date in the YYYYMMDD format or just pass in the day of this month in the DD or D format. If you pass through a day that has already past, it will start on that day next month. For a relative date from today, you can also specify an integer followed by a single character denoting the unit of time.
  • YYYYMMDD = Example: 20150131 = January, 31 2015.
  • DD = Example: 10 = will run on the 10th of this month or the 10th of next month if today's date is after the 10th.
  • D = Same as DD.
  • 60d = 60 days from today.
  • 2w = 2 weeks from today. For date calculations, 1w = 7d.
  • 1m = 1 month from today.
  • 1y = 1 year from today.
  • This is an optional field. Not indicating a “sub_startdate” would automatically assign it its default value.
  • Subscription start and end dates are not currently tied to a store's timezone settings. Test your start and end dates thoroughly or contact us if you have questions about them.
  • The day of the sub_startdate will generally be used for all subsequent billing attempts when used with a monthly frequency, but in cases where the date doesn't exist in a month, it will be moved ahead for that month. So if you have a subscription with a start date on Jan-31, it will run on the Feb-28, Mar-31, Apr-30, and etc.
Description: The date a subscription should end.
Accepts: YYYYMMDD formatted date value in the future. For a relative date from today, you can also specify an integer followed by a single character denoting the unit of time.
  • YYYYMMDD = Example: 20150131 = January, 31 2015.
  • 60d = 60 days from today.
  • 2w = 2 weeks from today. For date calculations, 1w = 7d.
  • 1m = 1 month from today.
  • 1y = 1 year from today.
  • This is an optional field. Not indicating a “sub_enddate” would make the subscription run indefinitely.
  • If a subscription is scheduled to run on the 4th, and the sub_enddate is the 4th, the subscription will end before it is billed to the customer. So, this parameter should be set to a date after the date you want the last transaction in the subscription to run. For example, if you have a monthly subscription starting on January 1st, 2015 that is supposed to run for six months and then stop, set sub_endate to 20150602 (June 2nd, 2015) so that the transaction on June 1st is not cancelled by the end date.
Description: Unique URL per subscription for loading your subscription up into a cart and modifying its contents. Very useful when used in conjunction with the redirect feature as you can load up a customer's subscription and then redirect them back to your product page so they can add something to it.
Accepts: A valid sub_token (retrieved from the API, XML datafeeds, or admin).
Notes: When a sub_token is loaded by the customer, the customer's cart is emptied and replaced by the content of the subscription represented by the sub_token.
Description: A flag indicating the subscription in question (as retrieved from the sub_token) should be cancelled. By “canceling”, the subscription gets a sub_enddate set, on which day it will be ended and made inactive.
Accepts: true to set the end date to tomorrow, or next_transaction_date to set the end date to the subscriptions next transaction date.
  • Requires a sub_token to function. Otherwise there will not be any subscription to cancel.
  • Foxy native email receipts will include links for the customer to be able to update or cancel their subscription. The cancel link will by default be set to sub_cancel=true, so the subscription will end the following day. If you want to instead default these links to cancel on the next transaction date, you can edit the language strings for your store. On the “language” page of the Foxy administration, expand the “email” section and search for “sub_cancel=true”. There will be two instances of it - simply update true to next_transaction_date to change the links.
Description: A flag that makes the subscription products payable “now”, when used with a sub_token URL. This can (and generally should) be used instead of relying on past-due amounts.
  • true: Collect payment “right now”.
  • auto: Collect payment “right now” if and only if the subscription's past-due amount is greater than 0. Adding sub_restart=auto will eventually be the default Foxy behavior for updating subscriptions.
  • This must be passed in with a sub_token or it will have no effect.
  • Normally if you load up a sub_token URL, it will allow modifying the subscription, but will not change the subscription's next date, nor will it charge the customer immediately for the products in the cart. (A past-due amount will still be payable “now”, but the rest of the products will simply bill according to the subscription's next transaction date.) This flag makes the subscription charge “now”.
  • This flag is almost always going to be preferable to customers paying the single lump sum past-due amount, as it ensure taxes, shipping, and product details are maintained.
  • If the “reset the next transaction date on payment (past due or restart)” option on the “advanced” setting page of the Foxy administration is checked, then the next date will be updated to be one frequency ahead of todays date. If unchecked, the next date will remain as it currently is.
Description: Allows the “add to cart” link or form to completely replace the existing subscription loaded (in the same or a previous cart request) via the sub_token. (The default behavior is to add new products to the existing subscription, and set the frequency and dates to match.)
Accepts: replace
  • This is an optional parameter. If omitted, it will default to an “append” behavior.
  • Upgrading/Downgrading: This can be useful in upgrading or downgrading subscriptions, or otherwise modifying subs. For instance, if you had a monthly membership service, you could create an upgrade link that replaces the currently loaded subscription (loaded via the sub_token) with the upgraded subscription.
  • Changing “Auto-Ship” Subscriptions: Similarly, you could use this functionality to replace an auto-ship order that may have multiple different products. Let's say the customer has a subscription for Product A and B, and wants to change it to Product B and 2 Product Cs, you could build an order form that includes the sub_modify=replace param, and it would replace the customer's currently loaded subscription.
  • Removing End Dates: To clear an end-date from a subscription you're replacing, pass sub_enddate=00000000.
  • Prorating? At present, this does not prorate a subscription. So if you're halfway through a subscription period and replace the subscription, any change in the price between the old and new subscription total will not be prorated. We may add an additional possibilities for this parameter in the future.

Product Option Modifiers

Product option modifiers allow you to modify the price, weight, code, or category when another option is set. Modifiers are placed inside curly brackets ({}) at the end of your product option, and can add to (+), subtract from (-), or set (:) new values to the modified option. Multiple modifiers can be chained together with the “pipe” symbol (|), like value=“S{p+1.50|w-1|c:01a|y:teeny_category}”. When using cart validation it is recommended to set your initial values high then modify down, rather than the other way around. See the validation docs for explanation. Note: if you're working with a product code modifier, be sure your code input comes before your product option that modifies it. Modifiers cannot be applied to standard product options (ie: price or name).

Modifies: Price
Increasing: &size=Small{p+5}
Decreasing: &size=Small{p-5}
Setting: &size=Small{p:5}
Notes: If working with multicurrency, you may need to append the currency code to the price as required, such as {p+5CAD}. If no currency code is specified, it's assumed the price is in the store currency.
Modifies: Weight. Behaves like the price modifier above.
Modifies: Code
Setting: &code=foo&size=Small{c:bar} would yield a code of bar
Appending: &code=foo&size=Small{c+bar} would yield a code of foobar
Modifies: Category
Setting: &category=foo&size=Small{y:bar} would yield a category of bar
Notes: This can be especially handy in donation forms that allow both single and recurring donations.

Transaction (Non-Product Specific) Options

Transaction Options are parameters included within cart requests that are not product-specific. Instead, they impact the entire cart or session. In the same way as the Product Options above, Transaction Options are included within the cart request, either as an additional parameter in the add to cart link, or as an input within a form.

Description: The cart parameter allows for various behaviors to be performed when the cart is requested. Note, the cart parameter is separate from the /cart portion of the cart URL. Within an add to cart link it should be separate like /cart?cart=view, or specified as a hidden input in an add to cart form.
  • add: The default cart action. If you don't include a cart input, add is assumed.
  • view: Displays the cart (if output=html) or returns the cart (if output=json) without adding any products to the cart. Custom session values can be added on a cart=view request.
  • checkout: Redirects to the checkout page immediately. Any “add to cart” requests are processed first, so you can add a product to the cart and go immediately to the checkout.
  • checkout: With fc_payment_method=paypal_ec Redirects to PayPal Express Checkout with reference transactions immediately. Any “add to cart” requests are processed first, so you can add a product to the cart and go immediately to the checkout.
  • checkout_paypal_express: Redirects to PayPal for the legacy Express Checkout immediately. Any “add to cart” requests are processed first, so you can add a product to the cart and go immediately to the checkout.
  • updateinfo: Redirects to the checkout page with the updateinfo flag set, allowing the customer to update their billing information without actually buying anything. This will empty the customer's cart. More info about the ''updateinfo'' functionality.
  • empty: Deprecated. Will be removed in a future release. Use the empty parameter instead.
Default: view
(CUSTOM Session Values)
Description: “Session values”, as the name suggests, are added to the customer's session, and are not tied to products. Values stored in session values are available in the JSON, as well as the XML datafeed upon a successful transaction.
Accepts: Any h:name=value pair. The h: prefix on the name makes it a session value as opposed to a custom product option.
Notes: Session values are useful for synching custom fields between FoxyCart and your own system, or using information from an external system to manipulate FoxyCart. For example, you could pass in a customer ID value that would sync back to your own database. Or a referrer or affiliate ID could be added to the session and then processed via the XML datafeed upon a completed transaction. Maximum length for the value is 700 characters.
Description: This will clear the contents of the cart. If products are added in the same request, the cart will be emptied and then the products will be added.
  • true: Empties the cart, including all custom session values, coupons, customer address and prepopulation values, shipping selections, etc.
  • reset: Does all of the above but also resets the cookie. The use case for this is uncommon, so in general you should use the true instead of the reset value.
Description: Adds one or more coupon codes directly to the cart.
Accepts: Any valid coupon codes, separated by a comma.
Notes: If an invalid code is added, or a code is re-added, an error may display on the cart. As with all coupon codes, once a code is added it will remain for the life of the session or until removed. This can be useful if you want to have a link with a coupon code that doesn't actually add a product to the cart but instead redirects to a order page or the website's homepage. Check the redirect option below for more.
Notes: If you're using the link and form validation, do not sign the coupon value.
Description: Immediately redirects the user to a page on cart load, such as &redirect=index.html.
Accepts: path/to/file.ext
Notes: For security reasons, the path must be at the store's domain (as entered in the store's FoxyCart settings). ie. You cannot redirect to if your store's domain in FoxyCart is Additionally, you may need to URL encode any ? and & symbols in a redirection path.
Experimental Functionality: This feature will be further tested and documented. Please refer to FoxyCart's multicurrency documentation for more info.
Description: Sets the currency for the cart. Converts any existing items in the cart from the current currency (the store's default) to the newly specified currency.
Accepts: FoxyCart will attempt to match a locale in the following order. If no locale is matched, it will continue to the next option and attempt a match there.
  1. A full locale code in the format of 2 character language code, followed by an underscore and a two character territory, such as en_US (US, English) or es_MX (Mexico, Spanish).
  2. A value prefixed by the h:lang value: Whatever you pass through as the locale value will be prefixed with the value currently set in h:lang, concatenated with an underscore. So if you have set h:lang=es and pass through locale=MX, the session will attempt to set the locale to es_MX.
  3. A value prefixed by en_: If the above don't match, the locale value will be prefixed with en_ in an attempt to match a valid locale.
  4. Case-insensitive locale match
Notes: Changing the locale will empty the cart of its products. Products added in the same request will work fine, however.
Description: Used to specify a specific template set to apply to this cart session
Accepts: Any valid template set code
Notes: If a template set is applied which changes the locale of the cart session, any existing products will be removed from the cart. Products added in the same request will be added normally.
Description: Specify the output format for the cart request.
Default: html
Description: Used to make an output=json request return a JSONP (instead of JSON) response. This will typically be used with a javascript library like jQuery.
Description: Used with Single Sign-On (SSO) to allow a customer to proceed through to the checkout.
Description: Since shipping rates can be returned from the cart (where the company address field isn't entered), and since the difference between residential and commercial shipping rates can be important, you can set this to true or false to override the setting from the shipping section of the FoxyCart admin.
Accepts: true or false
Default: n/a. Shipping rates are determined in the shipping settings in the FoxyCart admin.
Description: You can set this to true to override the maintenance mode for your store (and view the checkout normally).
Accepts: true
Default: false
utm_source, utm_medium, utm_campaign, utm_term, utm_content, _ke
Description: URL parameters for Google Analytics custom campaigns and Klayvio. When specified as part of an add to cart, they'll be included in the next page load of either the cart or the checkout.
Notes: These values should not be encrypted when using link/form encryption, and they must be passed as URL parameters - passing them within the hash is not supported. The values are not stored in the session at all - they're just used on the resulting page load of the add to cart action.

Customer Information Pre-Population

If you're considering pre-populating customer info on the checkout you should probably look at using the API and Single Sign-On (SSO) as well, as those two methods will provide more power and flexibility. All of the following values are optional, and can be passed in individually.

Notes: Must be a properly formatted email address.
Notes: No validation is performed on values passed in.
Notes: In order to pass in both shipping and billing information, this must also be passed in with a value of 1 so the checkbox on the checkout will be properly checked to display both the billing and shipping information.
Notes: Accepts 2-character ISO codes for the state or province of the country determined by the customer's IP address, unless a country is specifically set using pre-population.
Notes: Accepts 2-character ISO codes for the country.

Excluding Options

Description: Any parameter passed to the cart prefixed with an x: or a __ (double underscore) will be entirely ignored by FoxyCart.
Notes: This can be useful if you have “dummy” form fields used only for AJAX purposes or to set hidden inputs.

View Data

FoxyCart uses twig and twig.js as a template language so you can completely customize everything about your checkout experience. Listed below is all the data which is exposed to the templates and also available in JavaScript in the FC.json variable.

When outputting in the template, you would utilise Twig, like {{ variablename }}. Note that if you're looking to access data that is within arrays (such as items, or item options), then you need to access those within a for loop in the Twig, like:

{% for item in items %}
  {{ }}
{% endfor %}

Note that the data is broken into different sections by the page scope it's available on. The cart is available on all pages (as it is present on all pages), but there are some strings that are specific to just other pages like the checkout and receipt.


Description: URL for continuing back to the store from the cart.
Description: Used to validate the locale storage version of FC.json.config is up to date.
Description: true or false depending if the cart is the full page cart or not
Description: Either cart, checkout or receipt. Used for configuring various display and functionality concerns. cart represents both Sidecart and full page cart versions.
Description: Coupons associated with this cart. The {coupon_code} is the code value used by the customer to add the coupon.
Note: If the cart features codes that are shared between multiple coupons (for coupons that have the “Shared Codes Allowed?” checkbox checked), these coupons will become a nested array of coupons, with the {coupon_code} still as the key. The attributes within each array item will still be the same amount, id, is_applied, is_taxable and name.
"coupons": {
    "code1a": {
        "amount": -1,
        "id": "4704984",
        "is_applied": true,
        "is_taxable": false,
        "name": "Coupon 2"
    "code2a": [
            "amount": -1,
            "id": "4704985",
            "is_applied": true,
            "is_taxable": false,
            "name": "Coupon 1"
            "amount": -1,
            "id": "4704988",
            "is_applied": true,
            "is_taxable": false,
            "name": "Coupon 2"
Description: The custom fields associated with this transaction. The is_hidden bit will be true if the custom fields were passed in via the h: prefix. The {name} is the value of the name assigned to this custom field.
Description: The time in seconds until the first product in the cart expires
Description: Same as coupons above, but for products with a start date or next transaction date in the future.
Description: The totals for subscription products with a start date or next transaction date in the are grouped together here for the cart display.
Description: Gift cards associated with this cart. The {gift_card_code} is the code value used by the customer to add the gift card.
Note: The current_balance attribute will not factor in the discount that could apply from the cart or checkout. On the web receipt, current_balance will take into account the discount from that transaction, and any other uses of the gift card since then (if the receipt is being revisited). The email receipt will be the current balance of the gift card at the time the transaction was completed.
Description: If the cart contains products which can have a coupon applied to them.
Description: If the cart contains products with a start date or a next transaction in the future (a “future product”).
Description: If the cart contains future products from categories which support shipping.
Description: If the cart contains products from categories which support live shipping rates.
Description: If the cart contains products from categories which have taxes based on the customer's location. This is used for handling third party payment options such as PayPal Express and Amazon FPS.
Description: If the store has multiship turned on.
Description: If any of the products in the cart took advantage of the image option.
Description: If the cart contains products from categories which support shipping.
Description: If the cart contains subscription products.
Description: If the cart contains products from categories which have taxes applied to them.
Description: If all of the products in the cart are future products, this tells the system the shipping calculations will only be for future products.
Description: If the cart contains a new subscription
Description: If this transaction is for canceling an existing active subscription.
Description: If this transaction is currently modifying an existing active subscription. This will usually mean there are products in the cart which will charge in the future.
Description: If cart=updateinfo.
Description: The sum total of all the product quantities in the cart.
Description: An array of all the products in the cart.
Used in the alt attribute of the product link.
Product price before product option modifiers.
Product category code.
Product code or sku.
Parent product code or sku.
The delivery type of this product.
If this product is a downloadable, this is the downloadable id for it.
The timestamp for when this product expires.
Reserved for future use.
Unique internal id for this product.
The image url for this product.
If this product is a parent product or not
Used for organizing item display and managing the product update process.
Reserved for future use.
The multiship group number used for organizing products into shipments.
The product name.
Description: Array or product options for this product.
The option name stripped of anything but letters, numbers, dashes and underscores so it can be used as a html class attribute.
The product option name.
The product option value.
The price extension of these products (price_each * quantity)
The actual price of an individual product after product option modifiers.
The quantity of this product in the cart.
The maximum quantity allowed in the cart for this product.
The minimum quantity allowed in the cart for this product.
The shipto name of this product used for multiship.
The end date of this subscription product.
The frequency of this subscription product.
The next date this subscription product will process.
The start date of this subscription product.
The url of this product.
The weight extension of the this product (weight_each * quantity)
The weight of an individual product.
Reserved for future use.
Description: The English name for the language of the cart as set by the template set (like english, french, german etc). Can be blank if using the default template set.
Description: The 2 character ISO code for the language of the cart as set by the template set (like en, fr, de etc). Can be blank if using the default template set.
Description: Used for determining if a loading animation should currently be displayed.
Description: The locale code for this cart such as en_US
Description: This includes all of the data output by PHP's localeconv() including currency symbols, decimal point character, and thousands separator.
Description: Used for displaying error, warning, and information messages in the cart.
Description: An array of error messages.
The context of this error message which often relates to a form input.
The content of the error message. Often times this will be blank as the error message is directly part of the template as a language string.[]
Description: An array of informational messages.[].context
The context of this informational message.[].message
The content of the informational message.
Description: An array of warning messages.
The context of this warning message.
The content of this warning message.
Description: (Currently empty for the cart, may be added in the future)
Description: True if payment information is required for this transaction (order total > 0 for an order and not doing a subscription cancel).
Description: The session id of this cart.
Description: The name of the FoxyCart session.
Description: Container for the shipping address information.
Address 1
Address 2
The address name of this address (used mainly for multiship)
The city, region put togther as a string used in the select option.
Description: Array of options returned from the postal code lookup.
Region (such as state or province)
Two character country code
Country name
First Name
Last Name
Postal code
Prefix (used for multiship)
State or Province code
Label for this region (such as state or province)
State or province name.
Description: A result of calculating live shipping rates.
This shipping method (USPS, UPS, FedEx, etc).
The quoted price for this shipping service.
The service id used by this shipping method for this service.
The name of this shipping service.
The description of this shipping service.
The shipping service id the service the customer selected.
Description: An array of taxes associated with this shipping address.
Amount of this tax.
Whether or not this tax applies to handling fees.
Whether or not this tax applies to shipping costs.
The default amount before being applied to a specific location.
If this tax has an error.
If this tax is live.
The name of this tax.
The tax rate.
The internal id of this tax.
The total amount of future shipping costs for the products being sent to this address.
The total shipping costs for the products being sent to this address.
The total tax for the products being sent to this address.
The type for this address (either billing or shipping)
Description: The label describing the shipping applied to this order.
Description: Used to determine if the cart address entry form should be displayed.
Description: Used for determining if the amazon payment button should be shown. It will not be shown if there are subscriptions in the cart.
Description: Used for determining if the coupon input button should be shown.
Description: Used to toggle the multiship details.
Description: Used for determining if the Paypal payment button should be shown.
Description: Used for determining if live shipping rates haven't yet been calculated so a “TBD” indicator is displayed instead.
Description: The FoxyCart store id for this store.
Description: The code for the cart's current template set
Description: The total coupon discount applied to this transaction.
Description: The total price of the future items in the cart.
Description: The total amount of the shipping costs assigned to future products in the cart.
Description: The total weight of the future shipable products in the cart.
Description: The total price of the items in the cart.
Description: The order total
Description: The shipping total
Description: The tax total
Description: The total product weight.
Description: The total weight of the shippable products in the cart.
Description: The FoxyCart transaction id for the contents of the cart.

Cart Config (FC.json.config)

Description: Path used for caching images in the FoxyCart system.
Description: Used to validate the locale storage version of FC.json.config is up to date.
Description: The base path of your store's files served via the CDN.
Description: The base path of static files served via the CDN.
Description: The full path to the versioned store-specific stylesheet served by the CDN.
Description: The currency format configured for your store and use for twig money formatting.
Description: All language strings in FoxyCart are completely customizable. We start with a base language configuration and then you can customize them individually from there.
Description: You can view all language strings used on the cart by viewing FC.json.config.lang in your browser's web console.
Description: A complete listing of all valid country codes and state/provinces within those countries used by our find-as-you type auto complete (FoxyComplete) country and region lookup system.
Description: Locations are grouped by their 2 character ISO country code.
If this country is actively being used by the FoxyComplete system.
Alternative spellings or local spellings of this location name.
Used to give certain spellings a boost over others.
ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for this country.
ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code for this country.
ISO 3166-1 numeric code for this country.
Country name (currently in english).
Description: Postal Code format details.
If the postal code is numeric only.
The language key string for the description of this postal code.
The regex pattern this postal code fits in for validation purposes.
Whether or not the postal code is required.
Whether or not this country supports a postal-code based search.
Description: Region details for this country.
The language key string for name of this country's regions such as “state.”
locations.{country_code}.r.options.{region code}
Description: Region information organized by two character ISO code.
locations.{country_code}.r.options.{region code}.active
If this region is actively being used by the FoxyComplete system.
locations.{country_code}.r.options.{region code}.alt
Alternative spellings or local spellings of this region name.
locations.{country_code}.r.options.{region code}.boost
Used to give certain spellings a boost over others.
locations.{country_code}.r.options.{region code}.c
ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for this country.
locations.{country_code}.r.options.{region code}.n
Region name (currently in english).
locations.{country_code}.r.options.{region code}.req
If regions are required for this country.
Description: Locations used for billing address information only (see locations)
Description: Locations used for shipping address information only (see locations)
Description: Locale specific PayPal payment button URL.
Description: URL for posting cart and checkout forms.
Description: This FoxyCart stores FoxyCart store domain (the example part of
Description: Your store logo url as configured in the FoxyCart admin.
Description: Your FoxyCart store name as configured in the FoxyCart admin.
Description: Your store's website URL as configured in the FoxyCart admin.
Description: All of the settings configured in the FoxyCart admin under the configuration menu will be available here for you to use within your twig template customizations.
Description: (UNDER CONSTRUCTION): A place to automatically configure your analytics tools.
Description: Configuration settings for your Google Analytics account.
Your Google Analytics acccount id
Your Google Analytics acccount key
Configuration for how this setting is being used.
Description: Configuration settings for your account.
Your acccount key
Configuration for how this setting is being used.
Configuration for how this setting is being used.
Description: Settings for controlling the display details of your cart.
Whether or not to show the product category code in the line item details.
Whether or not to show the product code in the line item details.
Whether or not to show the product options in the line item details.
Whether or not to show the product weight in the line item details.
Whether or not the cart display config has been set or if defaults are in use.
Description: Either default_account, default_guest, guest_only, or account_only for determing if your checkout will accept guest checkouts or required named accounts and which one will be the default action.
Description: This configuration allows you to specify the main colors of your website and our system will adjust the CSS using SASS as needed to incorporate your colors into our template designs.
The primary, secondary, and tertiary colors for your website.
Whether or not this configuration setting is being used.
Description: Settings for how you'd like to require the Card Security Code (CSC) for your website. Values include all_cards, sso_only (Single Sign On only), new_cards_only (do not require for saved cards).
Description: Configuration for displaying and requiring various checkout fields and features.
These can be set to either hidden, required, optional, or default (in the case of billing_region)
Whether or not to allow cart controls on the checkout page.
Whether or not to allow the coupon entry form on the checkout page.
Description: This is where you can put your own custom configuration values for your twig templates. This might be helpful if you want to hard code your templates with some logic and change the display outcome by just adjusting the values here.
Description: Used for setting custom JavaScript or CSS elements to be used in the default template.
If you have custom JavaScript you'd like to add above the </body> tag for your cart, checkout and receipt templates, put that here. You can use it for conversion tracking scripts by checking the first_receipt_display variable. Full twig syntax is supported here.
If you have custom CSS (or JavaScript, though the footer is a better place for that) you'd like to add to the <head> tag for your cart, checkout and receipt templates, put that here. Full twig syntax is supported here.
If you to add custom fields to your store's checkout template, add HTML here. These will be inside the <form> tag on the checkout page and will submit with the rest of the checkout form and be recorded as custom fields on the transaction. Full twig syntax is supported here.
Description: Turn this on to see debugging output in your web browser's console log.
How this setting is currently being used.
Description: Our country and region auto completion system which lets users find locations as they type instead of having to select from a huge list of options.
The icon used for closing the location combo box.
The icon used for opening the location combo box.
Whether or not to show the location combo box.
Whether or not to show the country flags.
Configure how this feature is being used.
Description: This allows you to easily add a “Subscribe Me” checkbox to your checkout template so you can use that value as a custom field in the transaction datafeed later.
How this setting is configured.
Description: If you require the receipt page to be loaded over HTTPS, turn this feature on.
Description: An array of the accepted payment cards by your store such as Visa, MasterCard, etc. This will control which card logos are shown on the checkout page.
Description: Use this setting to easily add a terms of service checkbox to your checkout page.
Whether or not the terms of service checkbox is checked by default.
The URL to your terms of service document.
How this setting is configured (none, required or optional).
Description: (UNDER CONSTRUCTION) A popup window for customers to confirm their order before submitting it.
Configure how this feature is being used.
Description: The unit of measure used for calculating shipping weights.
Description: Whether or not the current display output includes cart controls such as quantity and coupon entry fields.


The checkout view data in FC.json includes everything in the cart including the following values:

Description: Used for determing if a customer opted to check out anonymously.
Description: Used for determining if the Single Sign On (SSO) authorization token is valid.
Description: If the customer is currently authenticating.
Description: If customer authentication failed.
Description: If customer authentication is successful.
Description: (See cart shipping_address)
Description: Credit card Card Security Code for new cards.
Description: Credit card Card Security Code for existing cards.
Description: Credit card expiration date month.
Description: Credit card expiration date year.
Description: Credit card number.
Description: Masked credit card number.
Description: Credit card type (Visa, MasterCard, Amex, etc)
Description: If the customer as opted to change their password.
Description: The date this checkout took place.
Description: The type of checkout taking place which can be either default_account, default_guest, guest_only, account_only
Description: The URL used on the receipt to continue back to your store's website.
Description: Whether or not the customer chose to create an account during checkout.
Description: The customer email address.
Description: Used for determining which customer just logged in.
Description: Used for determining if the current customer is authenticated via Single Sign On (SSO).
Description: The customer password entered by the user.
Description: If the checkout is currently checking to see if the email address given belongs to an existing customer.
Description: Indicates if the email address given belongs to an existing customer.
Description: Indicates if the email address given is valid.
Description: The Single Sign On (SSO) authentication token.
Description: The Single Sign On (SSO) passed in customer id.
Description: If the receipt is being displayed for the very first time which can be helpful for displaying specific conversion tracking code.
Description: If the customer requires a password reset because they logged in with a temporary password.
Description: If the cart contains subscriptions, the customer will be forced to checkout as a named account.
Description: Used in the emails sent to store administrators to display the GEO IP lookup details for the country based on the ip address of the customer checking out. This will not be available for the checkout or receipt context.
Description: If the cart contains coupon discounts.
Description: If the cart contains downloadable products.
Description: If the customer has a saved credit card.
Description: If the checkout has custom fields which are not hidden custom fields.
Description: Array of hosted payment gateways available for this checkout.
Language and logo used on the checkout page to tell the customer they can pay with this method.
Additional information for the customer indicating what happens next, such as if they will be redirected to another site to confirm payment.
Wehther or not this hosted payment method supports subscriptions.
The type of this hosted solution such as bitpay, dwolla, etc.
Description: The links for downloading products purchased as FoxyCart downloadables.
Description: The ip address of the customer.
Description: If the customer checked out as an anonymous user.
Description: If the customer is currently logged in using Unified Order Entry.
Description: Used for determining if an animation should be displayed near the submit button.
Description: Array of shipments for each multiship customer shipment (in additiona to address data found in shipping_address)
The name given to this shipto address. This will be the same as the “shipto” value in the cart.
The tax total for this shipment used during checkout.
Custom fields for this shipment.
Whether or not this shipment has products from a category which uses live shipping rates.
Whether or not this shipment has products from a category which has any shipping or handling costs.
Whether or not any of the custom fields in this shipment are visable.
The shipto number used for visual organization.
The total future shipping amount in this shipment
The total amount of all the items in this shipment
The total price in this shipment
The total shipping amount in this shipment
The total tax amount in this shipment
Description: When creating a new customer or changing an existing password, this will contain the new password entered by the customer.
Description: The transaction id of this order.
Description: True if the password this customer used has expired, such as when using a temporary password.
Description: Used by 3D Secure systems.
Description: If the customer checked out with a hosted gateway which first marks the payment as pending, this boolean can be used for special messaging to the customer on the receipt.
Description: Either plastic_saved, plastic_new, or the type of the hosted payment gateway being used.
Description: The payment type usually being plastic, hosted (as in a hosted payment gateway), purchase_order, paypal or other.
Description: The payment gateway response value used on the receipt.
Description: The purchase order value submitted by the customer.
Description: The connonical url of the transaction receipt.
Description: Array of required field names as configured in the FoxyCart admin template configuration page.
Description: The default label for the shipping and/or handling fees charged for this order.
Description: Used to indicate if a testing informational message is to be displayed. This can be useful for styling purposes and can be triggered by passing in a fc_show_info custom field.
Description: Used in some situations such as with hosted gateways to specify the status of the current transaction. Values include approved, authorized, declined, pending, or rejected.
Description: Array of subscription data for this transaction.
The textual description of this subscription including the frequency.
The subscription token url which can be used by the customer to modify or cancel this subscription or by the store to adjust the subscription via the API.
The links needed by the customer to modify or cancel this subscription in html format.
The links needed by the customer to modify or cancel this subscription in text format.
Description: Indicating of the temporary password has been sent to the customer.
Description: Text links for downloading the products purchased.
Description: Used by the Single Sign On (SSO) feature to ensure the token is only valid for a specific amount of time.
Description: Used by 3D Secure systems.
Description: The state of the terms of service checkbox, if being used by the checkout.
Description: A boolean state of the checkbox for using an alternate shipping address other than the billing address.
Description: The state of the checkbox for using an alternate shipping address other than the billing address.
Description: Custom twig macros we've added which we've also ported to twig.js
Get a specific error string from the array of errors by context key.
Get a specific info string from the array of informational strings by context key.
Macro for formatting shipping rate results into radio buttons.
Macro for displaying the use alternate address checkbox.

Checkout Config (FC.json.config)

The checkout config view data in FC.json.config includes everything in the cart including the following values:

Description: Used for FoxyCart test stores.
Description: Used for determing the correct base directory for this store version.
Description: An array of months for displaying the credit card expiration month select box.
Description: An array of years for displaying the credit card expiration year select box.
Description: A boolean used for display logic when there are more than one payment options enabled by the store for the checkout page.
Description: Includes language strings from cart config lang as well as additional strings for checkout, email and receipt contexts.
Description: A boolean used for display logic on the checkout page for if the store supports paying with a debit or credit card.
Description: A boolean used for dispaly logic on the checkout page for if the store supports paying by purchase order.


The email view data in FC.json.config includes everything in the cart and checkout including the following values:

Description: The number of days since the subscription in this email first failed, used for dunning reminder emails.
Description: If this email is for a normal transaction
Description: If this email is for an expiring payment methods reminder email triggered by the dunning functionality
Description: If this email is for a subscription that has just been cancelled through the dunning functionality
Description: If this email is for a subscription past due reminder email triggered by the dunning functionality