Cybersource Magnetic Stripe Swiper


Please see the normal CyberSource instructions first. Once that's done, read on.

Subscriptions are not supported with Cybersource Magstripe Swiper at this time. If you intend to sell subscriptions with your FoxyCart store, you will also need to make use of another payment gateway that does.

Setting Up the Cybersource / Bluefin Card Swiper for FoxyCart

  1. You'll need to communicate with your CyberSource rep to ensure your physical magnetic card readers are connected to your CyberSource account.

How It Works, Important Considerations, and Notes

Guest versus Saved Accounts

By default when using the Cybersource Swiper gateway, after completing a swipe action the checkout will be set to default to guest checkout, removing the prompt for a password if the email address matches an existing customer, or if you have set your checkout to allow for account creation.

Behaviour on page load

If the Cybersource Swiper gateway is enabled on the checkout for the current template set (and payment set), then on page load a modal will display prompting for the customers card to be swiped. The modal window will give focus to a hidden input within the payment section to capture the details provided from the swipe.

Once input is detected to have completed (by monitoring for changes to the input every 1.5 seconds after the first input), the modal window will update to an email input where the customer can enter their email address themselves, or it can be entered on their behalf by the merchant.

After completing that, the modal window can be closed to return to the checkout with all of the entered details automatically populated.

Auto-populating first/last names or business names from the swiped input

If the customers first/last name and/or business/company name can be detected in the returned details from the swiped input, those details will be auto-populated on the checkout after completing the swipe. If only the company is returned, x's are entered for the first/last name.

Test Card Numbers

  • Our experience is that pretty much any card with a magnetic stripe will work in the test mode.

User Notes and Experiences

If you have tips, experience, or helpful notes related to this gateway that would benefit others, please add them below, including your name and the date. We at FoxyCart reserve the right to edit or remove comments that don't add value to this page.

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