Squarespace + FoxyCart


Please note: The code on this page is submitted by members of the FoxyCart community, and may not verified by FoxyCart.com LLC in any way, shape, or form. Please double check the code before installing. If you need help with it please post in our forum, but if we cannot offer assistance (due to unfamiliarity with this particular system or language) we apologize in advance.


Until a more formal FoxyCart + Squarespace instruction set is done, this page will link to relevant posts and information about using FoxyCart with Squarespace.

Basic Integration

In order for FoxyCart to use the modal window and maintain sessions across the different domains, you need to add a few lines of includes to your header.

To get the correct FoxyCart include files for your store, navigate to the 'Sample Code' section of your stores FoxyCart administration and copy the code from there.

Squarespace 5

One way to add this code to your Squarespace site is:

  1. In the Squarespace top menu, go to “Website Management” –> “Structure” –> “Website Settings” –> “Code Injection”.
  2. For “Injection Region” pick the default “Extra Header Code”.
  3. Paste in the code you copied from the Foxy administration as detailed above.
  4. Click “Update Information” to save your changes.

That's it!

Squarespace 6 (current version)

One way to add this code to your Squarespace site is:

  1. In the Squarespace left nav bar, click the Gear Icon for Settings
  2. Click on “Code Injection” in the sub navigation bar
  3. Paste in the code you copied from the Foxy administration as detailed above
  4. Click “Save Settings” to save your changes.

That's it!

Now, you can insert cart links and forms on any of your Squarespace HTML pages using the “code insert” cog button in the Squarespace HTML page editor.

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