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Available Placeholders

All of the templates have place holders you can use which will be replaced with data from your transaction.


  • ^^cart^^ = Required. This will be replaced with the cart contents.
  • ^^store_domain^^ = Will be replaced with your foxycart store domain. If your store subdomain is mystore then ^^store_domain^^ will be replaced with
  • ^^store_name^^ = Will be replaced with your store name as setup in your FoxyCart store admin.


  • ^^checkout^^ = Required. This will be replaced with the checkout customer form.
  • ^^cart^^ = Required. This will be replaced with the cart contents.
  • ^^store_domain^^ = Will be replaced with your foxycart store domain.
  • ^^store_name^^ = Will be replaced with your store name as setup in your FoxyCart store admin.
  • ^^custom_begin^^ and ^^custom_end^^ = If you have custom form fields you would like to include on the checkout page, put them within these two place holders and they will be added to the checkout customer form.


Note: the entire receipt template is optional. You can just use the checkout template if you like.

  • ^^receipt^^ = Required. This will be replaced with the receipt contents (note: ^^checkout^^ may also be used).
  • ^^cart^^ = Required. This will be replaced with the cart contents.
  • ^^store_domain^^ = Will be replaced with your foxycart store domain.
  • ^^store_name^^ = Will be replaced with your store name as setup in your FoxyCart store admin.

Analytics & Order Tracking

As of v050, all analytics and order tracking scripts should be placed inside of ^^receipt_only_begin^^ and ^^receipt_only_end^^ tags. v050 introduces reloadable receipts, so if tracking scripts are not placed within these tags they could be loaded multiple times, causing the data collected to be inaccurate.

  • ^^receipt_only_begin^^, ^^receipt_only_end^^: Place all tracking scripts in between these two tags.
  • ^^order_id^^ = If you're using iDevAffiliate, or another analytics app, this place holder might come in handy.
  • ^^subtotal^^ = Products subtotal (without tax or shipping).
  • ^^subtotal_with_tax^^ = Products subtotal with tax.
  • ^^order_total^^ = Order total (including tax and shipping).
Google Analytics
  • v0.3.2+: ^^analytics_google_ga^^ = “New” version of Google Analytics (ga.js). Details.
  • v0.3.2+: ^^analytics_google_urchin^^ = “Old” version of Google Analytics (urchin.js). Details.
  • <v0.3.2: ^^analytics_google^^ = “Old” version.

Emails (text and html)

  • ^^receipt^^ = This will be replaced with the receipt contents (note: ^^checkout^^ may also be used).
  • ^^cart^^ = This will be replaced with the cart contents.
  • ^^order_id^^ = This will be replaced with the transaction ID. It can be used in the email subject line.
  • ^^receipt_url^^ = The URL to the revisitable receipt, for future reference. v050+.
  • ^^store_domain^^ = Will be replaced with your foxycart store domain.
  • ^^store_name^^ = Will be replaced with your store name as setup in your FoxyCart store admin.
  • ^^store_logo^^ = Will be replaced with your store logo as configured in your FoxyCart store admin.( Store ⇒ Settings ⇒ Logo URL )
  • ^^sub_token_url^^ = Will be replaced with the sub_token URL
  • ^^order_begin^^ and ^^order_end^^ = Anything placed inside of these placeholders will only be included if the receipt email is for an order, and not for an update_info request. (v0.7.0+)
  • ^^updateinfo_begin^^ and ^^updateinfo_end^^ = Anything placed inside of these placeholders will only be included if the receipt email is for an update_info request. (v0.7.0+)
  • ^^subscription_cancel_begin^^ and ^^subscription_cancel_end^^ = Anything placed inside of these placeholders will only be included if the receipt email is for a subscription. You can use the ^^sub_token_url^^ placeholder to create cancellation links right on your receipt emails. (v0.7.0+)

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