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Payment Gateways: Notes and Information

Need a gateway? We've partnered with a company we trust to serve US merchants. Please contact us and we'll connect you. The plans are 2.9% (as low as 2.7% depending on your sales volume) + 30¢/transaction with no monthly, setup, or contract.

Know Your Money Flow! Please read at least the first “Need to Know” section of this page prior to using FoxyCart on a live e-commerce site. Not everything with e-commerce, gateways, merchant account, and payment information is immediately obvious or well known. Really, trust us. We see stores lose sales all the time for various reasons.

Supported Gateways & Other Payment Methods

Gateway Name Linksupports-3dsecure
Amazon FPSamazon_fpsno
Amazon Payamazon_payyes
ANZ eGateanz_egateno
Apple Pay (Auth.Net)apple-payno (AIM)authorize.netno
Bank of Americabank-of-america
Barclaycard ePDQbarclaycardcoming soon
Barclaycard Fusebarclaycard_fuseyes
Braintree Paymentsbraintreeyes
Chase Paymentech Orbital (Salem / Stratus)chase_paymentech_orbital_salemno
Chase Paymentech Orbital (Tampa / Tandem)chase_paymentech_orbital_tampano
Cielo Payments (Merchant e-Solutions)cielo_paymentsyes
Converge (Elavon)convergeyes
Cybersource Hostedcybersource_hostedno
Cybersource Magnetic Stripe Swipercybersource_magstripe_swiper
CyberSource Secure Acceptance Web/Mobilecybersource_sa_webyes
EMS Payemspayyes
eWAY Merchant Hosted Paymentseway_merchant_hosted_paymentsno
Fat Zebrafatzebrano
First Data Global Gatewayfirstdatacoming soon
PayEezy (PayEasy) / FirstData Global Gateway e4firstdata_e4coming soon
Global Paymentsglobal_paymentsyes
Inspire Commerceinspirepay_gatewayno
Cynergydata Lucylucyno
Merchant Accounts.camerchantaccounts-cano
Merchant Warehousemerchantwarehouseno
MasterCard Internet Banking Servicemigsno
NMI (Network Merchants Inc.)nmicoming soon
Ogone (supports iDeal)ogoneyes
Opayo (formerly Sage Pay)opayoyes
Paya (formally Sage Payment Solutions)payano
Payline Datapaylinedatano
Windcave PXPost (formerly PaymentExpress)paymentexpressno
Windcave Web Service (formerly PaymentExpress PXWS)paymentexpress_wsyes
PayPal Commerce Platformcommerce_platformyes
PayPal Express Checkoutexpress_checkoutyes
PayPal MicroPaymentsmicropaymentsyes
PayPal Payflow Propayflow_procoming soon
PayPal Payments Propayments_proyes
PayPal Pluspaypal_plusyes
PayPal (Overview)paypal
PayPoint Gateway Freedompaypoint_gatewayyes
PayPoint Gateway Freedom + IMApaypoint_gateway_freedom_imayes
Plug 'n Payplugnpayno
Purchase Orders (offline)purchase_orders
Quantum Gateway (CDG Commerce)quantumno
Intuit QuickBooks Paymentsquickbooksno
WorldPay (SecureNet)securenetno
Plug'n Pay Smartscreensmartscreenyes
Square Platformsquare_platformyes
Stripe (Deprecated)stripe_deprecatedno
Total Appstotalappsno
TransAction Central by TransFirsttransaction_centralno
Transfirst Transaction Expresstransaction_expressno
Trust Paymentstrust-paymentsyes
USA ePayusa_epayno
Converge (Elavon)virtualmerchantno
Viva Walletvivawalletyes
Westpac PayWaywestpacno
WigWag (powered by Stitch)wigwagyes
WorldPay (Global)worldpayyes
Worldpay B2B (Paymetric)worldpay_b2b
Worldpay B2B (Paymetric)worldpay_b2c
WorldPay Onlineworldpay_onlinecoming soon

Filter Gateways by 3D Secure Support

Click below to see which gateways support 3D Secure.

Filter Gateways by Supported Country

Country codes below are according to ISO 3166-1 alpha-2. GB is the UK, and Greece is GR and not IL.

What you NEED to KNOW

Gateways, Merchant Accounts, Bank Accounts, Oh My!

Accepting credit card payments online is more difficult than it seems it should be, and matters are complicated by new and evolving systems that not only combine previously distinct aspects but also are redefining the payment process and creating entirely new options. If you aren't already intimately familiar with how the myriad pieces of e-commerce interact please read our primer on gateways and merchant account. We'll attempt to explain what is needed and why.

CSC (CID, CVV2, etc.) Support, Requirements, and Etc.

Some FoxyCart functionality may require or allow a transaction to be processed without a Card Security Code (the “CSC”, the numbers on the back of most cards). Some gateways, however, may disallow transactions without a CSC passed through. The situations where the CSC will not be transferred to the gateway are:

If you're using this functionality we strongly recommend turning off the CSC requirements in your gateway's settings, if possible. FoxyCart will always require a CSC, so a CSC will be sent when possible, but there are certain situations where the CSCs simply might not be available (as with recurring billing / subscriptions).

Also, please note that the CSC is not allowed to be stored, per PCI DSS.

Gateways that may require additional steps or features in order to process transactions without a CSC include:

TESTING v. LIVE, Gateway Settings and Accounts

Almost every gateway provider also provides their customers with test accounts (also called development accounts or sandbox accounts) for use on the gateway's test environment. A test account will work on the test environment, but will not work on the live environment. Similarly, a live account will work on the live environment (the one that processes real transactions from real customers), but will not work on the gateway's own test environment. The two environments are generally completely separate, and any account on one will not work on the other.

To make testing easier for FoxyCart users, FoxyCart provides the ability to enter your own test account information with which to test. What is critical to understand is that, in almost all cases, a live account will not work on if the test gateway is selected in FoxyCart. FoxyCart will send the transaction to entirely separate systems based on your store's settings.

Authorization and Capture: How the Money Flows

An important but often misunderstood piece of credit card processing is the relationship between “authorization” and “capture”. The easiest way to explain it is by using a gas station as an example. You drive up to the pump and insert your credit card, at which point the card is “authorized” for (let's say) $75. This authorization checks with your bank to make sure you have the funds, just like a normal transaction, but doesn't yet charge the card (“capture the funds”), since the final dollar amount is unknown. Once you have finished pumping and the final transaction amount is known (say, $45.03), the system issues a “capture” for $45.03. The first part is an “authorization only”, or “auth-only”, transaction. The second part is the capture.

(Another option would be for the gas station (or any merchant) to authorize a small amount like $1 just to make sure that it's a valid card, then upon completion clear that auth and issue an auth+capture for the full amount in one go. That approach can be sub-optimal, though, as a $1 charge might go through fine, but a $75 charge might fail for insufficient funds. This approach also requires storing payment information in one way or another, which can lead to its own challenges.)

The other, much more common way to process transactions is to do the authorization and capture at the same time, referred to as an “auth+capture” or “auth/capture”. Imagine buying groceries: You go to checkout, the total charge is determined, and your card is charged (both auth'd and captured at the same time).

Where things get confusing is on the proper usages of an auth-only transaction. It is often thought of as a way to accept pre-orders or to handle trial billing periods. While you could use an auth-only to handle these types of charges, it might not be a great idea for a few reasons.

A better use of auth-only transactions would be to handle expected variations in product delivery or final charges. For example, if your shipping charges vary by factors that FoxyCart cannot account for, or products may not be available regularly, you may want to auth-only then adjust the final transaction amount before capturing the funds. Important to note, however, is that you can never capture more than you've initially authorized when using a traditional gateway. Some gateways allow you to capture only as much as has been authorized, while others 1) may allow you to capture up to a certain percentage of the authorized amount, but not more than a certain dollar amount higher.

In most situations we strongly recommend doing an auth+capture. If you do have specific requirements that necessitate auth-only processing we encourage you to test thoroughly and keep up to date on any changes your gateway may make that impact that functionality.

Card Verification and Subsequent Auth+Captures

Foxy supports (for some gateways) the ability to verify a card with a $0 or $1 auth. (Check with your processor for the correct value to use. If you pass the wrong value, you can be hit with a small authorization misuse fee, or it can just error.) Verifications are useful for situations like…

There are some downsides, though:

This approach is generally only recommended for advanced users who have very, very specific workflows.

Settings Summary

Here is a summary of the verification settings:

In all cases, a payment method will not be required for “free” transactions (assuming there is not a subscription present), such as if a coupon brings the order total to zero.

Gateway Errors and What To Do About Them

Payment errors are a fact of e-commerce life, but fear not: They're typically easy to understand once you know what you're looking for. Please read our primer on payment processing errors, because knowing is half the battle.

Requesting New Gateway Support

Please read this info, then vote for your desired gateway.

PayPal's authorization & capture functionality